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I promise not to spam you with heaps of emails – I'm too busy to write every few days, don’t worry! When I do email you, it will be worth reading. The Quirky newsletter includes meal plans, new recipes (plus old favourites you may have missed), our latest podcasts, articles about current issues, news of any upcoming Quirky events, sometimes special deals and giveaways, reader tips and photos, and always a good chat!
When you sign up, you’ll receive the Quirky Cooking Meal Planning template for free - the link will be in your confirmation email. You can download the planner, print it out, laminate it, stick it on the fridge, and write on it with a whiteboard marker. Having a meal plan makes it so much easier to keep on track with nutritious food for the family, and reduces the stress of getting home at the end of the day with no idea of what's for dinner, and no energy to work it out!
Plus, I will also share our special Quirky discount code which gives you 10% off the zazen Water Filters in the Quirky store!
If you have questions about anything in the newsletter, just hit reply on your email and ask away - the Quirky team is here to help!
Thanks for staying in touch,
Jo xx
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