Endometriosis: Creating Awareness, with Donna Ciccia

Season #2

Welcome to Episode 4 of Quirky Cooking Chats (Season 2), with Jo Whitton!

Visit website: https://www.quirkycooking.com.au/  

Watch this video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/QVrvqsHM2xg 

{Urgent! Help with flood relief in Qld and NSW: visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/flood-relief-cook-up or https://www.gofundme.com/en-au/discover/flood-fundraiser}  

About this podcast: 

Endometriosis: Creating Awareness, with Donna Ciccia  

More than 830,000 (more than 11%) of Australian women suffer from endometriosis at some point in their life, with the disease often starting in teenagers. Symptoms are variable and this may contribute to the 6.5 year delay in diagnosis.   

Donna Ciccia, herself an 'endo warrior', has made it her mission in life to raise awareness of this common, but often misunderstood, disease.  

Endometriosis Australia, co-founded by Donna, is a nationally accredited charity that endeavours to increase recognition of endometriosis, provide endometriosis education programs, and provide funding for endometriosis research.  

Listen in as Jo chats with Donna about her own story, what it's like to live with endo, the symptoms, red flags and possible treatments, and how to support friends and family living with this inflammatory disease.  

Visit the Endometriosis Australia website here for information and support: https://www.endometriosisaustralia.org/   

Listen to the Living with Endo Podcast: https://www.endometriosisaustralia.org/podcast  

Learn about ways to reduce inflammation and improve gut and liver health (essential for balancing hormones) from Integrative Nutritionist Elyse Comerford of wellbellyhealth.com.au here: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17926298365552916/  

The video version of "Quirky Cooking Chats" is available on the Quirky Cooking YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/QCchatsyoutube 

Got questions? Email Jo at [email protected]


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