Real-Life Homeschooling, with Jo Whitton & Jo Bennet

Season #2

Welcome to Episode 5 of Quirky Cooking Chats (Season 2), with Jo Whitton!

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Thinking about homeschooling, but not sure if you’ll cope? Wondering how other homeschooling parents organise their day and how to get started?

Get a glimpse of what homeschooling ‘really’ looks like in this fun and encouraging chat with Jo Whitton and Joanne Bennet of Aussie Homeschool Adventures.

Jo and Joanne are keeping it real in this podcast, so join them for a chat about:

- why they chose to homeschool

- raising socially well-adjusted kids

- how to do it all (hint: they don’t!)

- what a usual school day looks like, and how it changes as the kids grow older

- homeschooling options

- private or government schools and Home Education Units

- how to choose curriculums, what they have used, and good resources for school books

- what to do when the kids won’t listen or are having a bad day

- transitioning from school to homeschooling (‘de-schooling’)

- preparing your homeschooled children for university

- teaching kids a love of learning

- the importance of relationship building for a successful homeschool journey

- teaching kids to be of service in their community

- what Jo’s adult kids are doing now

Wondering what the kids think of homeschooling? Watch this interview with Joanne’s girls on homeschooling:

Follow Joanne on Instagram @aussiehomeschooladventures and YouTube - Aussie Home School Adventures

Watch “A day in the life of an Aussie homeschooling mum!” by Joanne:

Joanne recommends “Hassle-Free Curriculum” for Australian curriculum:

The audio version of "Quirky Cooking Chats" is also available via Spotify, Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts.


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