The Philosophy of Health & Wellness, with Damian Kristof

Season #2

Welcome to Episode 13 of Quirky Cooking Chats (Season 2), with Jo Whitton: "The Philosophy of Health & Wellness" with Damian Kristof.

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The philosophy of health and wellness may sound like a complicated topic, but this episode is full of practical advice and is absolute GOLD! Nutritionist, Naturopath and Chiropractor, Dr Damian Kristof (or "Damo" as his friends know him), has 20 years of experience, an in-depth knowledge of the body, nervous system, food functions and responses, and a special gift for making health and nutrition topics accessible for everyone. (Plus he's funny and an absolute gem of a human being, so you're sure to love listening to this one)!

"The ceremony around the meal is as good for you as the meal is, from a health perspective." - Dr Damian Kristof

Damian talks about:

  • the philosophy of food, and the importance of ceremony around food... it's not just 'what' you eat, it's the way you eat, who you eat with, and how relaxed you are while eating that affects your health!
  • what drives disease in the body
  • the stressors our bodies face on a daily basis
  • how these stressors affect our overall health
  • obstacles to healing
  • avoiding the "food by numbers" trap
  • the problem with eliminating any whole food group over the long term
  • why huge amounts of supplements may not be a good idea
  • avoiding a "black and white" approach to food
  • stress less, enjoy food with family and friends, do the best you can, and be kind to yourself!

You can learn more about Damian and the work he does here: and

Listen in to the podcast Damian co-hosts with Marcus Pearce here:

Visit Quirky Cooking for healthy food and lifestyle tips: 


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