Preparing Ahead for Breakfasts "On-the-Go" (Part 1)

Season #2

Welcome to Episode 19 of Quirky Cooking Chats (Season 2), with Jo Whitton: "Preparing Ahead for Breakfasts 'On-the-Go'" (Part 1)

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We've all heard that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day", and it's true that nourishing your body with a wholesome meal each morning really does make a difference to the rest of your day! But what do you do when your busy routine doesn’t allow time for a cooked breakfast every morning?

Toast and cereal may be the easiest option, but they often cause bloating or blood sugar crashes later on. A "quick carbs" breakfast also means you’ll generally be hungry again in a couple of hours, whereas a nutrient-dense breakfast will set you up for hours and will reduce the desire for snacking later on!

If you find you're just grabbing snacks as you rush out the door (or you don’t manage to eat at all), this episode has plenty of breakfast suggestions for you. If you have kids that reject your attempts to wean them off toast and cereal and onto more wholesome choices, there are lots of tips for you! And for those who have a little more time in the mornings but just feel uninspired by breakfast, there are plenty of ideas to help you get your breakfast mojo back!!

In this episode:

  • why your breakfast should always include quality proteins & fats
  • how to avoid the mid-morning blood sugar crash
  • how to get off the 'fast carbs' roller coaster
  • tips for transitioning to a nutrient-dense breakfast
  • prepare-ahead and 'grab n go' breakfast ideas to replace 'toast & cereal' breakfasts, including gluten free, grain free, starch free, egg free, nut free and dairy free options

Watch to the end to see Jo preparing some of her favourite 'prepare ahead' breakfasts!

This episode is part 1 in the breakfast series, don't miss part 2 for plenty more breakfast ideas (and cooking videos), including both egg-based and egg-free breakfasts, mini meal breakfasts and 'meals in a glass' that you can blend and take with you.

Find recipes and tips at, and in Jo's cookbooks:

  • Simple, Healing Food:
  • Life-Changing Food:
  • Quirky Cooking:

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