Cooking with Joy & Deliciousness (+ 'Sweetness' is Not a Dirty Word!) - Jude Blereau

Season #2

Welcome to Episode 25 of Quirky Cooking Chats (Season 2), with Jo Whitton: Cooking with Joy & Deliciousness (+ 'Sweetness' is Not a Dirty Word!) - Jude Blereau

Food is about nourishing the body AND soul! We often look at all the nutrients needed for the physical body to survive, but forget that the soul needs nutrients too.

Wholefood chef Jude Blereau is a big believer that joy and deliciousness are nutrients in their own right. Jude says that the idea that wholesome sugars and fats are "bad" has done nobody any favours. "I’ve worked many years doing food coaching, and my average client was women in their 40’s that had followed this [low fat, low sugar diet] to the letter and their bones were shot, they were deeply unhappy in their life and [they'd followed] this harsh kind of, restrictive diet. Being constantly worried about ‘good and bad foods’ is a very stressful way to look at food... [and] arises from the loss of food culture."

In the "health food" world, there's been a huge shift against sugars, even wholefood sugars. In this episode, Jude discusses why 'sweetness' is not a dirty word and why a little bit of wholesome sweetness in your life is actually a good thing. She also gives a clear argument against fake sweeteners, including the 'natural' ones made in laboratories.

When you base your food decisions on foundational, whole-food principles, everything falls into place and decisions over what to eat and what not eat become much clearer.

Jo and Jude also chat about:

  • building the foundations (and making the headspace) for a wholesome diet
  • the trap of ‘nutritionalism’ and how modern 'food science' (funded by corporations) has altered our views on traditional foods
  • how our society's beliefs around food are massively impacted by marketing and media
  • the loss of food culture, and how to bring back real food in our homes
  • eating with the core, whole-food principles in mind
  • whole-food ingredients and how to use them in your cooking
  • breaking down the science for successful wholefood baking
  • whole-food sweeteners vs sugar substitutes and fake sweeteners
  • how food made with love satiates you on a very different level to food created in a factory

Visit Jude's website for information on her cookbooks, cooking classes and programs and recipes:

You will be able to download Jude's "Wholefood Manifesto" (the core principles of wholefood eating) when you subscribe to her newsletter.

Visit Jo's website to read her wholefood philosophy here:

Find Jo's wholefood recipes and tips here: 


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