Softening Your Approach to Healing - The Gut Health Formula Interview #3

Season #2

Welcome to Episode 40 of Quirky Cooking Chats (Season 2) Softening Your Approach to Healing - The Gut Health Formula Interview #3

Once more, Jo and Elyse interview a member of their online program, The Gut Health Formula, to share a beautiful and hope-filled story of healing.

Jo and Elyse have been running their gut health program for the past five years and have seen the program impact positively on thousands of people's lives. Find out more about The Gut Health Formula here:

In this episode, Briony shares her story of learning to approach health and healing with a softer, gentler mindset. Adding in healing foods, reducing the stress load, and changing her focus from an 'all or nothing' approach to a 'step by step' approach made all the difference in her healing journey.

Briony struggled with chronic diarrohea, digestive issues, exhaustion and confusion over which direction to turn. She felt embarrassed about her health struggles - as a natural health coach, she felt she should know what to do! Learning to lean into what her body was trying to teach her, letting go of the need to do everything perfectly, being kind to herself and enjoying a softer, gentler journey of healing has been life-changing for Briony.

Listen in as Briony shares her story in this wonderfully inspiring interview. I

f you need encouragement, guidance and support to heal and nourish yourself and your family, we invite you to join us for The Gut Health Formula - the 8 week program that made such a huge difference for Caitlin and thousands of others.


(We accept new members for the first week of the program as we believe in a soft start and allow members to work at their own pace.)


50% Complete

Two Step

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